Saturday, April 2, 2011

Romance Review: BDB Lover Eternal

many JR Ward fans were eagerly anticipating this latest installment of the Black Dagger Brotherhood novels.  the injury to payne ending the previous installment left much to be desired, however, the follow up story did not meet all my expectations.  introducing xcor and his misfit gang as same species rivals, instead of the baby powder smelling lessers was a very interesting twist, focusing on the relationship of paynes brother v with his shellan and the cop was also interesting, but the denouement left much to be desired.  this felt too much like a transition novel, moving away from the stories of the brothers we were introduced to in the first novel, and opening up the JR Ward vampire-verse for as many more stories as she can come up with, which seems like unfair treatment of all that payne went through in her life.  her separation from her twin, her valiant defense of him, and her imprisonment as a result were strong back stories that needed to be explored with her healer much more.  instead, the happily ever after came way too quickly with the couples of this novel, and the progression into stories of new characters was left wide open.  i  hope with the snippets of quinn and blay lead to a full on book about them!!! and quinn's site, and Layla.  tell us more about them!! i don't care so much about xcor and his misfits - if the new brothers can get over their treatment by the glimera then the old misfits need to grow up.  hello you're hundreds of years old, don't try to depose a king for the glimera's shortcomings. 

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